Monday, November 2, 2009

Act I: A Major Decision

I am fascinated by the constant chain-reactions of life. It seems like everything, from individual relationships to political and religious movements to ideas in the media and the arts are nothing more than a series of actions and reactions. Everyone is reacting to what the people before them said, although sometimes ideas become circular, like fashion trends. Is there a limit to the ideas that we plant our flags in, or is there no end to where it goes? Is this chain-reaction of life going in a circle, or in a straight line?

The more I think about it, the more I talk about it with other people, and the more I experiment with it, the more I think I want to be a journalism major. I love thinking about abstract ideas, but I also love thinking about real people and experiences, and applying those ideas to the realities of life. Journalism seems like a good place to do that. I'd want it with a literary twist, though; news anchoring or newspaper reporting sounds boring to me, not creative enough.

As my paper project I'm in the Torrey play, and my mentor suggested, after I expressed an interest in creative journalism, "This American Life" style, that I could produce a creative non-fiction podcast as a reflection on my experience in the play. I need to just sit down and think about how I want to do that; the play opens this week, and this semester has been a whirlwind so I haven't taken the time to really hammer it out. I'm excited for it, though, and like I said, the more I think about journalism like that, the more it sounds like something I'd actually want to do.

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