Monday, June 21, 2010

Operation Move-In has commenced!

Well, we're already sort of moved in. And by that I mean, we're living in our new place, but a lot of my stuff is still awaiting either organization or storage at my parents' house, and our living room is still full of half-empty boxes of gifts that we haven't known what to do with yet. Today, Jordan and I stopped by Lowe's and got some dry wall anchors so we can start hanging stuff up and making this place look a little more put-together. Right now, he and his brother have gone to his grandparents' house to get a drill, which we didn't think we'd need since the anchors are labeled "self-drilling", but apparently we do.

I really like our little apartment. It's just the right size, we have a nice view off of our porch, and there's even a fireplace, something rare to find in a downstairs apartment. At first we were really excited about that fireplace, but it's actually turned into a bit of a hassle. Because of where the TV and router plug in, it's most convenient to have the TV in a particular spot - on the opposite side of the room as the fireplace - which basically means that we can either arrange the furniture to highlight the television, or the fireplace. Jordan's parents very generously gave us a couch and matching love seat because they bought new furniture not too long ago, but we haven't yet found a way to arrange them so that the TV and fireplace can be equally enjoyed. Right now, the love seat is blocking the fireplace, which actually kind of works for the room. At the half-joking suggestion of my eldest brother, we may change things around a couple of times a year and have a winter and summer arrangement; in the summer, the fireplace will just stay out of view, and in the winter we'll move things so that we can enjoy its warmth.

In other news, I've resolved to compile a summer reading list to stave off the summer-brain-melt syndrome. I hope I can stick to it this time; it seems every summer vacation I decide I'm going to get so much reading done with my extra free time, but it never happens. The temptation of complete laziness is overwhelming sometimes, but with planning the wedding this last semester, I couldn't focus on school as much as I normally do, and I miss mental activity. I've asked Jordan to suggest some good philosophy reads, and I want to re-read some of my books. So far on the list are Athanasius' "On the Incarnation", maybe Gregory of Nazianzus (all of those heretic-fighters), and a book about the Orthodox church of which I can't remember the name. I'm playing with the idea of going through "The Lord of the Rings" again, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it just yet.

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