Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Sarah/Julie/Julia Project?

I've started reading Julie Powell's Julie and Julia, the middle installment of the movie-based-on-a-book-based-on-a-blog process that ended with last year's theatrical release starring the brilliant Meryl Streep and the adorable Amy Adams. At first, I was a little put-off by her crass language; it's not too much to be totally inappropriate, but it's enough to make her seem a little prickly around the edges.

But now I'm hooked. It's addicting, and a little inspiring - after all, Julie Powell was somewhat of an aspiring writer who got started by documenting her thoughts and impressions on a blog. I guess I take for granted how easy it is to be self-published these days. If you're good, it's a good way to get your foot in the door in the new-media/publishing industry.

Which begs the question: am I good? A college professor said in a lecture once that if you're posting online, you're findable. And if you're good, people will come to you. As of now, I don't exactly have a fanbase, outside of immediate family and friends. Maybe I need some kind of short-term goal to give my writing a more concrete direction and framework, like Julie Powell. That seems to be key to that kind of success, that is, having a goal, a thesis statement of sorts, to guide you as you present to the world something it's never seen before: life through your eyes.

All good things to keep in mind, but I think I'd have to start a new blog if I began a project like that. Which, of course, is the easy part.


  1. This blog has always been a personal blog. It doesn't really need a direction or an audience outside the ones you've already mentioned. Your theatre blog had direction but it was only relevant to a small number of people, namely those immediately involved in a student production at the local bible college.

    Now, I may not have the ethos to give advice with my literally dozens of viewers, but I think if you combined the elements of your two blogs you'd really have something to work off of. take from this "little girl thoughts" blog ;) the voice and commentary. take from your theatre blog the idea of having some running themes and topics and viola! you have a blog that could gain some audience attention!

    the comment is "nothing of any great consequence" however, just "little boy thoughts"! ;)

  2. I felt the same way after I watched Julie & Julia and looked up posts from Julie's blog. It made me feel like I should have some great direction to make my blog more interesting to others.

    And I agree with Jordan! If you could have a blog that had some kind of project/direction, as well as personal things, it would probably have a greater draw.

    And by the way, I always love reading your blog. You are really good at it! :)
