Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to the Beginning

It's beginning to sink in that I'm actually going to be starting school tomorrow. Although it's still weird. I didn't get fully settled into my new dorm until yesterday, and even now I still feel a little disoriented; I don't feel like I packed very well, I seem to have forgotten a lot of little things that I had last year. My external harddrive, a waste basket, a laundry basket, decorative things, etc. I tried to pack more lightly because we had less room in my car with Hannah and my mom accompanying me, plus their luggage. Oh well, most things I forgot can be bought or mailed.

It was hard saying goodbye to Hannah and Mom today. Being back at school will be surreal, even though I know I'll settle into a routine soon enough. Having been home all summer, I got re-used to my old house, my old habits, my old, comfortable places. New Mexico is my normal, not Biola, even though it gets more normal with time. I miss my family already, and Jordan. While I'm happy to see my good friends at school, I'm beginning to see that it's almost a little anti-climactic. Chelsea and I talked about it a little yesterday; this time last year, most of us were excited to go to college, to start that "experience" everyone talks about, at a new place and with new opportunities. This year, some of the novelty and mystery has worn off, and I think most of us are returning with an attitude more like, "Well, back to school."

I'm going to be doing some schedule orchestrating in the next few days. I'm half ready to drop a drama class I'm signed up for, mostly because I don't think I want to keep that major (Comm), and if I do, I may replace it with a music class, or I'm even considering an English class. Everyone keeps telling me that I'd be a good fit as an English major/teacher, so maybe I should try it out. Although I'm also considering just dropping the class (if I decide to, I'm going to the first day to get an idea of what it's like) and leaving myself with a lighter class load. That may be a good option because I want to be in the Torrey play this semester, and I don't know yet if I'll get paper credit for it; if I do, awesome, but if not, it'll be that much busier. Hopefully good busier, but busier nontheless.

My mind always goes into overdrive at the start of the semester, as I try to figure out classes, update schedules, and just get into the general swing of things. I keep feeling like there's more I have to do before school starts tomorrow, but I think I'm ok. Tonight I think I'll do some reading, read through the many policy updates from my Torrey mentor, and update my planner.

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